Sites with absurd patents
If you enjoy weird and wacky patents, visit these sites:
- Patently Absurd!
- This site! - in case you missed it.
- Delphion's Gallery of Obscure
- Delphion (formerly IBM) provide a searchable database of patents. Users
can vote to add patents to this gallery.
- Patent of the week
- Can be viewed by category. The 'sex' category is not for the prudish.
- Weird and Wonderful Patents
Crazy Patents
Wacky Patent of the Month
Wacky Patents
- Four sites provided by American firms of attorneys.
- Totally Absurd
- Yet more patents from the USA.
- Patscan
- Bizarre Patents
- US and a few Canadian examples, from the University of British Columbia.
- BBC News
- Article on absurd patents.
ABC News - Patently Weird
- Gives well-researched details of off-beat patented ideas.
- About.com/Mining Co
- Wacky Patents
- A directory listing some of the above sites, and more.
- Incredible
- The Living Web portal site.
- Bizarre
Tales from New Scientist
- Strange scientific and technical stories. Includes a few absurd patents.
- Patentes curiosas
- Curious inventions from Spain (in Spanish), plus others.
(None of the other sites
above is connected with Patently Absurd!)

Copyright © Tim Jackson 1998-2003
Last revised: 19 January 2003.
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[A.P. Pedrick]
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