Links to serious information about
Patent Offices etc.
General information
(mainly for the UK)
- Espacenet. Search 45 million
patent documents from 71 countries and international
organisations. Includes PDF copies of patents from USA, Japan,
UK, Europe and other major countries, many back to 1920 or earlier.
New user interface now available!
- US Patent Office
databases (including full text and images of US
patents, though images require a special plug-in)
- Delphion Intellectual
Property Network - The former IBM search service. Registration required.
Most search facilities are now chargeable,
but simple searches of US patents are still free.
- DEPATISnet - Extensive multi-country
searching from the German Patent Office, including patent family searching and PDF copies.
- Ilmenau
Technical University - Registration required. GlobalPat covers USA, PCT (WO)
and major European countries. Also Patent Abstracts of
Japan and Patent Abstracts of Russia.
- Canadian
- German
Patents - Subscription required. But if you only want
a hitlist, just start searching and use the free guest user ID
"besucher" and password "recherche"
when requested. Or try Espacenet or DEPATISnet.
- PCT - Patent
Co-operation Treaty (WO) applications (try also
- Patent
Abstracts of Japan - Machine translation of the entire Japanese
specification now available, for applications since 1993. Find the English
abstract, then click on Detail.
Patent Status Enquiries
(get confirmation from the Patent Office concerned and seek professional advice in important cases)
- UK Patents (not available
24 hours)
- European Patents & Patent Applications:
- view status in the
European Patent Register.
- WebRegMT
- a tool for monitoring the status of European patent applications. Free
email alerts whenever the Register is updated.
- free online inspection and download of file histories of most European patent applications.
- more information
about inspection of European patent application files, including a request
form for paper copies of files which are not online.
- German Patents
(Free registration required. Partly in German. Not 24 hours.)
- US Patents:
- Espacenet (The new
interface includes free legal status information from the Inpadoc database,
for patents in numerous countries.)
- Delphion Intellectual Property
Network (The former IBM database, has Inpadoc legal status information.
No longer free.)
Sites with listings of other useful links
(None of the above sites
is connected with Patently Absurd!)

Copyright © 1998-2004 Tim Jackson
Last revised: 11 July 2004.
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